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why I never learnt to knot a tie.

Hi, my name is Armstrong Adams, and I'm a 23-year-old African male who is currently single and hasn't yet experienced intimacy or romantic encounters. It may sound unusual, considering that I am considered attractive both facially and physically, thanks to my regular visits to the gym, skin care routine and other self-improvement stuff. However, despite these attributes, there's one skill I never quite acquired—tying a necktie. You see, during my upbringing, my father emphasized the importance of wearing ties as a symbol of sophistication. Strangely enough, I deliberately avoided learning how to tie a tie, either by closing my eyes or distracting my mind whenever my dad, mom, or elder sister tried to teach me. The reason behind my peculiar behavior stems from my fondness for romantic movies. I was captivated by the scenes where a man is preparing for work, and his partner lovingly assists him in knotting his tie. Admittedly, it might seem like a silly reason, but it's t
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