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why I never learnt to knot a tie.

Hi, my name is Armstrong Adams, and I'm a 23-year-old African male who is currently single and hasn't yet experienced intimacy or romantic encounters. It may sound unusual, considering that I am considered attractive both facially and physically, thanks to my regular visits to the gym, skin care routine and other self-improvement stuff. However, despite these attributes, there's one skill I never quite acquired—tying a necktie. You see, during my upbringing, my father emphasized the importance of wearing ties as a symbol of sophistication. Strangely enough, I deliberately avoided learning how to tie a tie, either by closing my eyes or distracting my mind whenever my dad, mom, or elder sister tried to teach me. The reason behind my peculiar behavior stems from my fondness for romantic movies. I was captivated by the scenes where a man is preparing for work, and his partner lovingly assists him in knotting his tie. Admittedly, it might seem like a silly reason, but it's t

Can STI come from oral sex.


While many people are aware of the risks associated with unprotected vaginal and anal sex, there is often confusion surrounding the transmission of STIs through oral sex. In this blog post, we will explore the question that many people don't have an answer to: Can STIs pass through oral sex? And can STIs come from oral sex?

Simply put, yes, STIs can be transmitted through oral sex. Here's a mind-blowing fact: STIs can also be transmitted to the male receiving oral sex. However, this depends on the specific STI in question.

Firstly, let's discuss the difference between STIs and STDs because people often wonder why STI instead of STD. They essentially refer to the same thing. The only difference lies in the terminology and the fact that a sexually transmitted infection, if left untreated, can develop into a sexually transmitted disease. STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, etc. The mode of transmission can vary based on the specific sexually transmitted infection. Let's discuss some of the most common ones:

  1. HIV/AIDS: Yes, one can contract HIV from oral sex. However, the risk is generally very low because HIV is primarily transmitted through the exchange of certain body fluids, such as vaginal fluids (including menstrual blood), breast milk, blood, and precum (the fluid that lubricates the penis before ejaculation). Bodily fluids such as saliva, urine, and sweat do not transmit HIV. So, as long as the person receiving or giving oral sex doesn't have injuries or sores in their mouth, the risk is minimal. However, it's advisable for the person performing oral sex to be cautious about swallowing precum, and for the person receiving oral sex to be careful about contact with menstrual blood.

  2. HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus 1): This can even be transmitted through kissing, so the risk of transmission through oral sex is higher. The presence of blisters and ulcers in and around the mouth and lips, commonly known as cold sores, is the most common symptom to watch out for.

  3. Syphilis and Genital Herpes: Both of these STIs can be transmitted through oral sex if there are sores present in the mouth.

  4. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: These STIs are not dependent on the presence of sores but can infect the throat and cause symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes and a sore throat. Contracting the STI itself is also possible.

To minimize the risk of STI transmission during sex, specifically oral sex, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Regularly test for STIs in both the genital and oral regions, especially if you have multiple sexual partners.

  2. Use barrier methods such as condoms and dental dams. These act as physical barriers between the mouth and genitals.

  3. Maintain open communication with sexual partners about sexual history.

  4. Stay aware and informed about the signs and symptoms of STIs in order to watch out for them in yourself and potential partners.

There are so many questions i feel like i ought to answer such as:
  • what are the signs of STD's in your mouth ?
  • risk of receiving unprotected oral
  • Does oral sex cause bacterial infection?
  • can you get STD from oral sex with swallowing?
  • Can you get STD from going down on a woman?
  • Odds of getting an STD from receiving a bj
  • i had unprotected oral should i get tested
  • oral std pictures
