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why I never learnt to knot a tie.

Hi, my name is Armstrong Adams, and I'm a 23-year-old African male who is currently single and hasn't yet experienced intimacy or romantic encounters. It may sound unusual, considering that I am considered attractive both facially and physically, thanks to my regular visits to the gym, skin care routine and other self-improvement stuff. However, despite these attributes, there's one skill I never quite acquired—tying a necktie. You see, during my upbringing, my father emphasized the importance of wearing ties as a symbol of sophistication. Strangely enough, I deliberately avoided learning how to tie a tie, either by closing my eyes or distracting my mind whenever my dad, mom, or elder sister tried to teach me. The reason behind my peculiar behavior stems from my fondness for romantic movies. I was captivated by the scenes where a man is preparing for work, and his partner lovingly assists him in knotting his tie. Admittedly, it might seem like a silly reason, but it's t

is double texting bad.

First of all what prompted this post was that someone asked me is double texting a turn off? So, in this post am going to touch certain key areas such as, what is double texting and what are the implications and is double texting bad or is double texting a turn off. 
Double texting is when you send two or more text messages to someone before they send you a response and both of those text have a serious time difference for example the first message would show 11:20AM and the second one would show 6:39PM. The general idea is that you can't wait long enough for a response after the first message so you decide to send a second message, the key feature of double texting is the time difference, if you send two or maybe even three or more messages at a time in my personal opinion that doesn't qualify for double texting although some people still think it does. I believe if you are chatting with someone and you need to express yourself clearly its okay to send multiple texts but if the person hasn't replied back and you send another text that constitutes double texting. Why do young people in the 21st century try to be careful about this?, it's because they don't want to come off as clingy, desperate, needy, and lacking the self decency or self respect needed to give someone time to respond. The funny thing is sometimes the person you are double texting may be genuinely interested in you, like they like you back but believe playing hard to get gives them more value so they do things like reply late not that am saying they weren't busy but nine out of ten of the times they intentionally reply late and the truth is that girls are the main culprits of this behavior, they love playing mind games for example the girl I currently like was the one to collect my number, even after that she was the one to chat me up and now that it's clear that I like her cause honestly ๐Ÿ˜‚ I easily fall in love, but I don't blame myself as a matter of fact I admire myself for not playing all these games our generation is involved in. I believe that's what being in love means, putting yourself out there and being vulnerable for the person you have feelings for, sure no one wants to get hurt so why risk putting yourself out there without a defense but isn't it worth it if there's a possibility for the beginning of something beautiful.

Anyway that's my opinion you guys can continue your fake games but am going to be real and if she trys to be fake with me then I move on. 

I'd like to end this by saying I know that there can be other factors at play such as the second party may have a lot on his or her plate but let's be honest we know when someone's being fake or real with us. Have a nice day and try better to be a beautiful soul ๐Ÿ’ฏ✌️.


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