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why I never learnt to knot a tie.

Hi, my name is Armstrong Adams, and I'm a 23-year-old African male who is currently single and hasn't yet experienced intimacy or romantic encounters. It may sound unusual, considering that I am considered attractive both facially and physically, thanks to my regular visits to the gym, skin care routine and other self-improvement stuff. However, despite these attributes, there's one skill I never quite acquired—tying a necktie. You see, during my upbringing, my father emphasized the importance of wearing ties as a symbol of sophistication. Strangely enough, I deliberately avoided learning how to tie a tie, either by closing my eyes or distracting my mind whenever my dad, mom, or elder sister tried to teach me. The reason behind my peculiar behavior stems from my fondness for romantic movies. I was captivated by the scenes where a man is preparing for work, and his partner lovingly assists him in knotting his tie. Admittedly, it might seem like a silly reason, but it's t

why I don't comment on girls pictures

"Why? Because it's weak. That's the brief answer. And yes, I'm a sensible person, so I know that some good relationships have started from comments and DMs, especially in this day and age when social media is responsible for a significant number of relationships and friendships.
I'm not saying you shouldn't give a girl compliments. Obviously, if someone looks good, you shouldn't be afraid to confidently express it. However, a compliment should serve as a lead into a conversation, which can lead to familiarity and eventually meeting in person. This could potentially make her or him a real-life partner because, let's be honest, leaving a compliment in the first place means you find the person attractive and open to the possibility of a relationship.
Let me provide an example to clarify what I mean when I say I don't comment on girls' pictures.
casual comment on girl pic to impress her like "hey beautiful," "you look gorgeous," or the use of emojis like "😍 🔥 💖 💘 " on girls' pictures. I started noticing that many other guys were doing the same. Just take a scroll through the comment section of a girl's post, and you'll see all sorts of compliments. Most of the time, the girl will reply with a simple "thank you" or just like the comment because all those guys to her are like a fanbase, and she needs to keep them engaged so they'll continue looking at her posts and commenting on them because they give her validation, which makes her feel good about herself. A girl wants someone she perceives as more accomplished or better than her and her fanbase just doesn't cut it. Humans don't usually try to impress people they already feel superior to—it's human nature. So, trying to impress someone through unnecessary comments and compliments, keyword being "unnecessary" is a big red flag, especially in this generation. Although guys tend to fall into this trap more often especially with females luring them in with revealing clothes. Self-improvement is the way to go. If you're genuinely interested in gaining attention from females, all you have to do is document your self-improvement journey—going to the gym, having fun, and so on—because, after all, butterflies will fly away if you chase them, but if you create a garden of self-improvement, financial freedom and fun, they'll naturally find their way to you."
Regarding what we can comment on girl pic, anything that has an end goal and doesn't make you look like a fan such as "fire pic, would love to hang out" I bet you she would then check out your profile which would determine if she replies and the nature of her reply. The truth is no one is above rejection, but your chances of success now have better odds. You win some you lose some.
Also, as a bonus study human psychology such as eye contact, mystery, withdrawing attention etc. will make a separate post on that.

All my posts will be made into video form on my YouTube page days after the post.

Channel* blended facts.
check in later for YouTube link.


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